2 lessons covering:
selective representation
dominant ideologies
gender trouble
hegemonic ideologies
A variety of media examples used with opportunities for analysis at the end of each lesson.
3 lessons worth of content.
Learning Intentions:
Define different TV Genres and their codes and conventions.
Define Hybrid Genres
Understand the audience appeal of different TV Genres
Create a guide to TV Genres
Resources for teaching and assessing all sources in Comp 1 and for Comp 2 featuring:
Situation comedy (Sec A)
MJ, Taylor Swift and Pharrell Williams (Sec B)
Mock Comp 3 project included
5 step by step PPTs to show how to alter mood, create zombie images, create photoceptions, develop water-style reflection and create comic book effects.
PPT that teachers tasks including:
Clone stamp
Healing brush
Removing backgrounds
Alter brightness and contrast
Add blur
Clearly detailed with practice images for students.
A lesson that:
Explores how adverts are regulated.
Analyses adverts that have caused offense (historically and culturally).
Create a leaflet that explains the function of the ASA.
Extensive booklet covering UKS and Friends.
PPT lessons (11 hours in total) on Music video:
Taylor Swift
Pharrell Williams
Michael Jackson
Plus two half mocks and one full (With mark schemes)